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Get Set Go! Zoji La awaits! Our first high pass!
Success! We have cleared Zoji La and have entered Ladakh. See the differences in the scenery! We are above the tree line and the mountains are bare.
On top of Zoji La - the selfie with the marker! It's official!
The glacier in the background is 'Zero point' and is a pitstop for people after clearing the pass. Adi can't wait to get there and eat Maggi noodles.
Zero point on top of Zoji La. Bawa cackles in glee and rides his bike all the way to the snow line - and we follow as well!
Zoji La is the second highest pass on the Srinagar Leh road at 3528 meters. The place gets totally blocked by snow for 6 months in the year, but is cleared by the army as soon as possible
There's an intrepid tea-seller on top of the pass! You can see this stall (and a Maggi-eating bawa) in the reflection in my glasses.
My bike triumphant with its first high pass. Little did I know that this would be the first of many!
The undying flame at Kargil War museum at Drass
Tiger hill in the distance - ground zero of the Kargil war
We had planned to ride to Leh from Kargil, but SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED sent us a psychic message through to go to Zanskar valley instead, so we took the road less travelled - to Padum, in Zanskar valley.
Gazing at Parkachik - the village, the glacier, the mountain, the pass - all are called Parkachik.
Adi is so happy! He has finally got petrol cans on his bike! The Ladakh carrier has been vindicated.
Here he is! Looking like Khal Drogo

These brave truckers are the lifeline of this area. bad weather, bad roads, landslides, security issues - and still they keep plying. The real supermen.
We were lucky to find this place when it was getting dark.
It's a lovely tourist bungalow which is popular with mountaineering groups tackling the Nun and Kun peaks
Nun and Kun peaks glowing the evening light
The cheerful gorkha caretaker. Sober and dependable in the day....not so much when the sun sets and its Rum time!
Bawa's blow
Bike unloaded and resting.